Hi All,
One of our call center managers asked me if this was possible.,.....
Currently we have close to 30 skills coming into the call center, and have a custom report, showing the calls per 1/2 hour interval, showing abandon, offered, connected, etc.
The time intervals run down the left side, (row headers) and the call types are across the top (column headers)
The problem is that when we have spikes, and end up with more abandon calls, unless he runs a separate rport per skill, and goes through each one, he cannot tell which skill is the main influx of calls.
He wants to know if it is possible to do two things...
1. Make the time interval go across the top (become column headers) and the call status down the side (row headers)
2. Combine the different skills into one report, but break out the separate skills,,, IE.. skill 1 offered, skill 1 answered, skill 1 abandon, skill 1 time to answer, skill 2 offered, skill 2 answered, skill 2 abandon, skill 3 offered, skill 3 answered, skill 3 abandon,,, etc...
we do not have CDR available, CMS supervisor R14,
One of our call center managers asked me if this was possible.,.....
Currently we have close to 30 skills coming into the call center, and have a custom report, showing the calls per 1/2 hour interval, showing abandon, offered, connected, etc.
The time intervals run down the left side, (row headers) and the call types are across the top (column headers)
The problem is that when we have spikes, and end up with more abandon calls, unless he runs a separate rport per skill, and goes through each one, he cannot tell which skill is the main influx of calls.
He wants to know if it is possible to do two things...
1. Make the time interval go across the top (become column headers) and the call status down the side (row headers)
2. Combine the different skills into one report, but break out the separate skills,,, IE.. skill 1 offered, skill 1 answered, skill 1 abandon, skill 1 time to answer, skill 2 offered, skill 2 answered, skill 2 abandon, skill 3 offered, skill 3 answered, skill 3 abandon,,, etc...
we do not have CDR available, CMS supervisor R14,