a tough one, i spend two weeks over it and still have no answer.
see: a customer wants to have one large integrated report on all his six major skills, to be displayed on the huge plasma screen hanging over agents' heads.
data they want to be available is pretty simple: ACDCALLS, ABNCALLS, STAFFED, AVAILABLE, ONACD, INACW, INAUX and SERVICELEVEL and its complement in percent (can't recall exactly the field name). well, all this data is available in isplit table, all okay. no problem with displaying separate data for each of the six skills. but i can't find a way to display the summary of all skills. honestly i don't know what they want it for and what sense is in seeing "average patient temperature across the hospital" but they want it. with real-time tables, all okay and i can use WHERE clause and SUM/AVG/MAX functions. but how to do it with integrated tables?
maybe someone (Susan?
know an answer... 
see: a customer wants to have one large integrated report on all his six major skills, to be displayed on the huge plasma screen hanging over agents' heads.
maybe someone (Susan?