It's been requested to add an executive's line to his admins phone. However the executive wants to make sure his admin see's his phantom line ringing if he's on a call in progress on his mainline.
So I created a second line and Call forward Busy & Call Forward No Answer to the second line. I added the second line appearance to the admin phone. Then I have the second line Call forward busy and Call Forward No Answer to voicemail.
Everything works great in testing except when the second line goes to voicemail. I thought the call would go to the mailbox of the executive since the call was generated originally on his mainline then rolled over to the second. Instead I get a prompt there is no mailbox on the line since the second line doesn't have voicemail. It's just a dummy line.
How can I make that call end up back in his voicemail? Is it possible?
Thank you
So I created a second line and Call forward Busy & Call Forward No Answer to the second line. I added the second line appearance to the admin phone. Then I have the second line Call forward busy and Call Forward No Answer to voicemail.
Everything works great in testing except when the second line goes to voicemail. I thought the call would go to the mailbox of the executive since the call was generated originally on his mainline then rolled over to the second. Instead I get a prompt there is no mailbox on the line since the second line doesn't have voicemail. It's just a dummy line.
How can I make that call end up back in his voicemail? Is it possible?
Thank you