I'm using smartlist builder to pull data from the CM Transaction table. However the amount fields do not indicate whether it was a positive or negative adjustment.
There are no DR and CR fields in this table either.
The Transaction Type (CMTrxType) and number (CMTrxNum) can be found in CM40101 as follows:
1 1 Deposit DEP 1
2 2 Receipt RCT 2
3 3 Cheque CHQ 3
4 4 Withdrawal WDL 4
5 5 Increase Adjustment IAJ 5
6 6 Decrease Adjustment DAJ 6
7 7 Transfer XFR 7
101 101 Interest Income INT 8
102 102 Other Income OIN 9
103 103 Other Expense OEX 10
104 104 Service Charge SVC 11
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