Installed COM Version: 11.1.0100.3 last week.
Looks very nice, alarms are shown and upgrading IPOs from to works well.
IPO Application servers for VMpro, Media Manager, OneXP and Backup server
cannot be added since that option (Solution/Actions) is not there on these servers,
so you cannot manage all servers from COM then. Isn't that a pity..
Anyone heard anything from Avaya about the option to get COM for IPO App servers?
Looks very nice, alarms are shown and upgrading IPOs from to works well.
IPO Application servers for VMpro, Media Manager, OneXP and Backup server
cannot be added since that option (Solution/Actions) is not there on these servers,
so you cannot manage all servers from COM then. Isn't that a pity..
Anyone heard anything from Avaya about the option to get COM for IPO App servers?