I'm new in Delphi and I want to use a query multiple times.
I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as database.
The ADOMenus object is located in a DATA MODULE.
When I set a ADO Query on my form I have no error when I
set active property on false.
I use the following code:
if ADOMenus.active then ADOMenus.active := false;
ADOMenus.SQL.Text := SQLString;
ADOMenus.active := true;
SQL string contains a simple select statement.
He gives me the following error on the line adomenus.active := false;
'Project GMS.exe raised exception class EOleException with
message 'Either BOF of EOF is True, or the current record
has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record'. Process stopped£. Use Step or Run to continue'.
Can somebody explain this error.
Thanks for your time and answer
Devriendt Nico
I'm new in Delphi and I want to use a query multiple times.
I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as database.
The ADOMenus object is located in a DATA MODULE.
When I set a ADO Query on my form I have no error when I
set active property on false.
I use the following code:
if ADOMenus.active then ADOMenus.active := false;
ADOMenus.SQL.Text := SQLString;
ADOMenus.active := true;
SQL string contains a simple select statement.
He gives me the following error on the line adomenus.active := false;
'Project GMS.exe raised exception class EOleException with
message 'Either BOF of EOF is True, or the current record
has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record'. Process stopped£. Use Step or Run to continue'.
Can somebody explain this error.
Thanks for your time and answer
Devriendt Nico