Technical User
- Mar 11, 2003
- 19
Closing msgbox before a function fires
The folllowing is a Not_in_List event procedure in Access 2002
The form has a combo linked to an SQLview of my contacts in OL.
The essence of the code is:
If not in list, open new contact form in OL, save it (in OL), come back to Access form, save record and requery with new contact in the combo list.
Problem is, the msgbox is still there popped up over the Access form when the new contact has been saved (into OL) - even though the user clicks YES to add a new contact
How do I avoid this problem?
Thanks - Neil
Code is:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public golApp As Outlook.Application
Public gnspNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Function InitializeOutlook() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Init_Err
Set golApp = New Outlook.Application ' Application object.
Set gnspNameSpace = golApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") ' Namespace object.
InitializeOutlook = True
Exit Function
InitializeOutlook = False
Resume Init_End
End Function
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'new job record numbering routine - kept separate from autonumber field
Dim JNumber As Integer
JNumber = DMax("Job_Number", "M_jobs") + 1
MsgBox ("JNumber = " & JNumber)
Me.Job_Number = JNumber
End Sub
Private Sub Principal_Combo_NotInList(newdata As String, Response As Integer)
Response = acDataErrContinue
Dim ans As Variant
Dim StrNewData As String
' new account
ans = MsgBox("Do you want to add this principal?", vbYesNo, "Add new principal?")
If ans = vbNo Then
Me.Principal_Combo = Null
'take user back to combo list to choose one from the list
DoCmd.GoToControl "Principal_Combo"
GoTo exit_it
End If
'what needs to be done here to close the msgbox before Outlook throws up it's new contact form ?
StrNewData = newdata
If CreateContact(StrNewData) = True Then
End If
'When new contact has been saved (via OL contact form) the msgbox is still active when the code comes back here!!
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End Sub
Function CreateContact(varNewData As Variant) As Boolean
Dim objNewContact As Outlook.ContactItem
Dim blnResolveSuccess As Boolean
If golApp Is Nothing Then
If InitializeOutlook = False Then
MsgBox "unable initialize Outlook - what next?"
Exit Function
End If
End If
Set golApp = New Outlook.Application
Set objNewContact = golApp.CreateItem(olContactItem)
'Need to specify a non-defaultfolder for contact store
With objNewContact
.CompanyName = varNewData
'save new contact via its own form
End With
End Function
Neil Abbott
The folllowing is a Not_in_List event procedure in Access 2002
The form has a combo linked to an SQLview of my contacts in OL.
The essence of the code is:
If not in list, open new contact form in OL, save it (in OL), come back to Access form, save record and requery with new contact in the combo list.
Problem is, the msgbox is still there popped up over the Access form when the new contact has been saved (into OL) - even though the user clicks YES to add a new contact
How do I avoid this problem?
Thanks - Neil
Code is:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public golApp As Outlook.Application
Public gnspNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Function InitializeOutlook() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Init_Err
Set golApp = New Outlook.Application ' Application object.
Set gnspNameSpace = golApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") ' Namespace object.
InitializeOutlook = True
Exit Function
InitializeOutlook = False
Resume Init_End
End Function
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'new job record numbering routine - kept separate from autonumber field
Dim JNumber As Integer
JNumber = DMax("Job_Number", "M_jobs") + 1
MsgBox ("JNumber = " & JNumber)
Me.Job_Number = JNumber
End Sub
Private Sub Principal_Combo_NotInList(newdata As String, Response As Integer)
Response = acDataErrContinue
Dim ans As Variant
Dim StrNewData As String
' new account
ans = MsgBox("Do you want to add this principal?", vbYesNo, "Add new principal?")
If ans = vbNo Then
Me.Principal_Combo = Null
'take user back to combo list to choose one from the list
DoCmd.GoToControl "Principal_Combo"
GoTo exit_it
End If
'what needs to be done here to close the msgbox before Outlook throws up it's new contact form ?
StrNewData = newdata
If CreateContact(StrNewData) = True Then
End If
'When new contact has been saved (via OL contact form) the msgbox is still active when the code comes back here!!
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End Sub
Function CreateContact(varNewData As Variant) As Boolean
Dim objNewContact As Outlook.ContactItem
Dim blnResolveSuccess As Boolean
If golApp Is Nothing Then
If InitializeOutlook = False Then
MsgBox "unable initialize Outlook - what next?"
Exit Function
End If
End If
Set golApp = New Outlook.Application
Set objNewContact = golApp.CreateItem(olContactItem)
'Need to specify a non-defaultfolder for contact store
With objNewContact
.CompanyName = varNewData
'save new contact via its own form
End With
End Function
Neil Abbott