My goal is---- When user closes the report i want him to get back on the same form where he called reports from.
I put crViewer on the same modal form(ListofReports) and tried to use 'crViewer_CloseButtonClicked' method to close just viewer,I set 'EnableClosebutton'property = TRUE in design time, but at run time this "close" buton is still disable and i can not triger this'CloseButtonClicked' method to close just crviwer. what i've missed?
thanks in advance
I put crViewer on the same modal form(ListofReports) and tried to use 'crViewer_CloseButtonClicked' method to close just viewer,I set 'EnableClosebutton'property = TRUE in design time, but at run time this "close" buton is still disable and i can not triger this'CloseButtonClicked' method to close just crviwer. what i've missed?
thanks in advance