I'm using this code...
window.open("Report.asp", "Report", "width=500,height=225, scrollbars=yes,resizable=no, menubar=no"
to open a window.
I have an Exit button within the main form on that calls a function to delete any created reports on the server when the user exits the window.
Can anyone tell me how can I call the same function if the user exits the window using the "x" at the top right.
I'm using netscape 4.5.
thx in advance...finny
window.open("Report.asp", "Report", "width=500,height=225, scrollbars=yes,resizable=no, menubar=no"
to open a window.
I have an Exit button within the main form on that calls a function to delete any created reports on the server when the user exits the window.
Can anyone tell me how can I call the same function if the user exits the window using the "x" at the top right.
I'm using netscape 4.5.
thx in advance...finny