I have a login prompt in a pop-up window. The form in it is targeted to a cgi in the background. If they type in the wrong user/pass then an error message appears in the main frame in the background, but if they type in the right user/pass then I want the window to close when the successfully accessed page loads. I tried this.
var remote.close()
and putting an onload tag in the body.
I'm new to java script as you can see.
var remote = window.open is what the pop-up window from the home page uses. I though that var remove is the name of the child window.
So overall this is what I need to acomlish,
1. Home page, user can click login link.
2. in a pop-up window a login screen appears.
3. They type in the right user-pass then the page loads in the main frame, and on the page in the main frame is the java script that closes the pop-up window.
4. If the type in wrong pass nothing happends.
The only part I need help with is the closing window part.
So please help.
Sorry For My Vauge Explanations and Example, I don't know much about java script.
Thanks Much,
perlkid [sig][/sig]