Are there any other methods of closing the database besides the command Set dbs = Nothing ? I need to reinforce the closing of the databas ein order to avoid posible problems
Dim wsp As DAO.Workspace
Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Dim strPassword As String
strPassword = "secret"
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Set dbs = wsp.OpenDatabase("C:\BE\Store\BE.mdb", False, False, ";PWD=" & strPassword)
LinkAllTables (BEPath)
Set dbs = Nothing
Dim wsp As DAO.Workspace
Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Dim strPassword As String
strPassword = "secret"
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Set dbs = wsp.OpenDatabase("C:\BE\Store\BE.mdb", False, False, ";PWD=" & strPassword)
LinkAllTables (BEPath)
Set dbs = Nothing