Should a company be so scared about keeping the computers running smoothly that it needs to hire "clones" of ourselves?
Some of the reasons are:
1) Just in case the Application Specialist is out on vacation, someone fully trained can cover without panic.
2) Just in case the Administratro quits, someone fully aware of the infrastructure can take full charge.
3) Just in case they terminate the Web Administrator, there will already be a fully trained 2nd Web Administrator.
As you can see, the company is so scared that it needs clones of each position.
The questions:
1) Are the majority of companies like this?
2) If so, can responsibilities be jointly managed?
3) Is job security affected somehow for both the original and the clone?
4) What other solutions are there to assure the company that such a drastic tactic is not wise besides wasting money?
Your thoughts are appreciated!
Some of the reasons are:
1) Just in case the Application Specialist is out on vacation, someone fully trained can cover without panic.
2) Just in case the Administratro quits, someone fully aware of the infrastructure can take full charge.
3) Just in case they terminate the Web Administrator, there will already be a fully trained 2nd Web Administrator.
As you can see, the company is so scared that it needs clones of each position.
The questions:
1) Are the majority of companies like this?
2) If so, can responsibilities be jointly managed?
3) Is job security affected somehow for both the original and the clone?
4) What other solutions are there to assure the company that such a drastic tactic is not wise besides wasting money?
Your thoughts are appreciated!