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clone Websphere configuration

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Sep 8, 2006

what would be the best way to clone the configuration of a Websphere 6 with ND? Situation is as follows:
We have a Environment with one ND machine and two machines running each two Application Servers (vertical and horizontal cluster). There are lots of configuration options set on either the whole cell and single Application servers.
I want to set up one machine, containing the ND and two Application servers, that cell should have the same configuration as the other cell, but of course hostname and IP would differ. Backup and restore with backupConfig.sh won't work as far as documentation says, since it needs to have the same IP/name on restore. I could copy the whole /opt/IBM/ directory structure to the new machine and grep/sed the name/IP to the new one, but I guess that won't work.

Any other ideas?

I think WAS 6 supports cloning of configuration from one server to other.


Exporting and importing profiles

WebSphere Application Server V6 provides a mechanism that allows you to
export certain profiles, or server objects from a profile, to an archive. The archive
can be distributed and imported to other installations.
An exported archive is a zip file of the config directory with host-specific
information removed. The recommended extension of the zip file is .car. The
exported archive can be the complete configuration or a subset. Importing the
archive creates the configurations defined in the archive.
The target configuration of an archive export / import can be a specific server or
an entire profile.
To use an archive you would:
1. Export a WebSphere configuration. This creates a zip file with the
2. Unzip the files for browsing or update for use on other systems. For example,
you might need to update resource references.
3. Send the configuration to the new system. An import can work with the zip file
or with the expanded format.
4. Import the archive. The import process requires that you identify the object in
the configuration you want to import and the target object in the existing
configuration. The target can be the same object type as the archive or its
– If you import a server archive to a server configuration the configurations
are merged.
– If you import a server archive to a node, the server is added to the node.
A tutorial on creating and using archives can be found in the Information Center.

Server archives
The following command can be used to create an archive of a server:
$AdminTask exportServer {-archive <archive_location> -nodeName <node>
-serverName <server>}
This process removes applications from the server that you specify, breaks the
relationship between the server that you specify and the core group of the server,
cluster, or SIBus membership. If you export a single server of a cluster, the
relation to the cluster is eliminated.
To import a server archive use the following command:
$AdminTask importServer {-archive <archive_location> [-nodeInArchive <node>]
[-serverInArchive <server>][-nodeName <node>] [-serverName <server>]}
When you use the importServer command, you select a configuration object in
the archive as the source and select a configuration object on the system as the
target. The target object can match the source object or be its parent. If the
source and target are the same, the configurations are merged.
Profile archives
The following command can be used to create an archive of a profile:
$AdminTask exportWasprofile {-archive <archive_location>}
You can only create an archive of an unfederated profile (standalone application
$AdminTask importWasprofile {-archive <archive_location>}
this sounds very nice, though when I run it I get:

com.ibm.bsf.BDFException: error while eval'ing Jacl expression:
can't find accessible method "exportServer" with 6 argument(s) for class "$Proxy1"

I tried the command from within the bindir of the dmgr and the bindir of a node. Seems the command is unknown to wsadmin.sh?
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