NOTE: Before running the following command make sure that the big hd is hdb. One way to do this is to run fdisk and check the size of the drive to make sure it's the one you want to overwrite.
dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb
This will create a clone of the hda drive onto the hdb drive. This will take some time depending on the drive size. When I did it a 10GB drive took about 30 minutes to copy over.
After the cloning process is complete, power down, remove the small drive and put the big drive in the same location and settings (ie slave or master) that the small drive was.
after "dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb", reboot with new big HD, if I use "df" to check disk space, I still see the small HD's space, where is the rest space gone?
You don't have to partition your big harddrive before dd and I don't know about LVM but.. to use the space you can fdisk and partition your unused space. Create a mount point to it anywhere that you need the space.
Just go to the cli, fdisk and create the partition.
Run mkfs on the new partition to format it.
Create a directory like /storage or something like that and mount the new partition to it. You can then edit the /etc/fstab to mount it on boot.
If you want some other way to configure it, write it up and we'll see what we can do. Please be specific and paste the output from anything you do like fdisk or df or your /etc/fstab.
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