Mar 4, 2003 #1 lbh12456 Programmer Mar 4, 2003 1 VN How can I program a clock(2Mhz)component without any inputs ? ------ | | | |-->CLK2Mhz ------
Mar 30, 2003 #2 vtr21 Programmer Mar 30, 2003 1 PT You can´t have a "clock" without one osclilator... If you are using VHDL for Behavioral simulation entity clk_2MHz is Port (clk_2MHz : out std_logic ); end clk_2Mz; architecture Behavioral of clk_2k is signal clk : std_logic := '0'; begin clk <= not clk after 250 ns; process(clk) begin clk_2MHz <= clk; end process; end Behavioral; note that you can't implement because after Upvote 0 Downvote
You can´t have a "clock" without one osclilator... If you are using VHDL for Behavioral simulation entity clk_2MHz is Port (clk_2MHz : out std_logic ); end clk_2Mz; architecture Behavioral of clk_2k is signal clk : std_logic := '0'; begin clk <= not clk after 250 ns; process(clk) begin clk_2MHz <= clk; end process; end Behavioral; note that you can't implement because after