here is a sync reset version of the code (just cause i prefer sync reset rather than async, no other reason), same reason goes for my use of unsigned rather than std_logic_vector and signals rather than variables.
-- signal declarations
signal count : unsigned(2 downto 0);
signal hi8low8 : std_logic;
[... snip ...]
wait until clock'event and clock= '1';
if reset = '1' then
count <= "000";
hi8low8 <= '0';
-- unsigned signal will roll over when it gets to
-- "111"
count <= count + 1;
if count = unsigned'("111" then
hi8low8 <= not hi8low8;
end if;
end if;
end process;
this of course assumes that clock and reset are also declared (in this case in a port declaration to this entity). I didn't include any of the entity/architecture declarations etc.
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