I am reading in text from a file and putting grouped data into 3 CStrings. For example, the file has text arranged as so...
Housing 226452 Text1 Text2 Text3
R Leaflet 923411 Text1 Text2 Text3
L Leaflet 821212 Text1 Text2 Text3
Housing 124452 Text1 Text2 Text3
R Leaflet 133411 Text1 Text2 Text3
L Leaflet 121272 Text1 Text2 Text3
I go through, line by line, and pull the appropriate data into 3 different CStrings...
CString Housing: CString RLeaflet: CString LLeaflet:
226452 923411 821212
124452 133411 121272
I would like to show the data in a listbox (CListbox) but have not been able to figure out how to show three columns of data. I doubt the CListBox class allows this (as far as I can tell) but I don't know what other choices are available. Any suggestions?
Housing 226452 Text1 Text2 Text3
R Leaflet 923411 Text1 Text2 Text3
L Leaflet 821212 Text1 Text2 Text3
Housing 124452 Text1 Text2 Text3
R Leaflet 133411 Text1 Text2 Text3
L Leaflet 121272 Text1 Text2 Text3
I go through, line by line, and pull the appropriate data into 3 different CStrings...
CString Housing: CString RLeaflet: CString LLeaflet:
226452 923411 821212
124452 133411 121272
I would like to show the data in a listbox (CListbox) but have not been able to figure out how to show three columns of data. I doubt the CListBox class allows this (as far as I can tell) but I don't know what other choices are available. Any suggestions?