Notwithstanding there are a few examples of JavaScript doing this and that I'm having a heck of a time doing a simple calculation on the Client side, e.g.,
User enters 50 into textBoxA.
textBoxB is set aside to show results of a calculation; say a complex stat equation, which only needs the value
in A to display material information.
If you use JavaScript, you cannot use asp:textboxes
If you use ASP, JavaScript can't see asp:textboxes
I suppose the answer lies somewhere in between. I have come across a "scrollTop" routine which is suppose to bookmark your position on a page so you don't get lost during a round trip to the server.
I would think that client side calcualtions and simple population of result textboxes would be a standard and desired component of ASP.NET development.
What to do?
User enters 50 into textBoxA.
textBoxB is set aside to show results of a calculation; say a complex stat equation, which only needs the value
in A to display material information.
If you use JavaScript, you cannot use asp:textboxes
If you use ASP, JavaScript can't see asp:textboxes
I suppose the answer lies somewhere in between. I have come across a "scrollTop" routine which is suppose to bookmark your position on a page so you don't get lost during a round trip to the server.
I would think that client side calcualtions and simple population of result textboxes would be a standard and desired component of ASP.NET development.
What to do?