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Client Side Arrays

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Jul 30, 2001
Hello All,
I hope somebody can help me out here.

How can I create an array using this connection :

Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open "schoolsasp","schoolsasp","schoolsasp"

SQL = "SELECT * FROM vSchoolDetails ORDER BY EstablishmentName"

If cstr(Param) <> &quot;&quot; And cstr(Data) <> &quot;&quot; Then
sql = sql & &quot; And [&quot; & cstr(Param) & &quot;] = &quot; & cstr(Data)
End If
Set ors = CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
ors.Open sql, conn, 3, 3

then place the results into VBScript so I can then pick up with :

oApp.Selection.TypeText &quot;The Headteacher &quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;EstablishmentName&quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;Address1&quot;
oApp.Selection.TypeText &quot;, &quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;Address2&quot;
oApp.Selection.TypeText &quot;, &quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;County&quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;PostCode&quot;

at present My connection and SQL is all done within VBScript, but I want that part to take place on the web server.

any help is appreciated

if I am understanding what you want to do correctly(i.e. EstablishmentName,Address1,Address2,County,PostCode are from the query) then:

oApp.Selection.TypeText &quot;The Headteacher &quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;<%=ors(&quot;EstablishmentName&quot;)%>&quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;<%=ors(&quot;Address1&quot;)%>&quot;
oApp.Selection.TypeText &quot;, &quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;<%=ors(&quot;Address2&quot;)%>&quot;
oApp.Selection.TypeText &quot;, &quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;<%=ors(&quot;County&quot;)%>&quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;<%=ors(&quot;PostCode&quot;)%>&quot;
what I actually need to do is run the query then have a way of :

making the RS = oRS in the VB Script.

is that possible ?

' Convert the recordset to a string.
sTemp = oRS.GetString(2, -1, vbTab) ' 2 = adClipString

' Append the field names to the front of the string.
For Each oField In oRS.Fields
sHead = sHead & oField.Name & vbTab
maybe I should post all my code.
it works fine if the users machine has a DSN called schoolsasp.
I want to run the connectoin part on the server.

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<input type=&quot;button&quot; value=&quot; Back &quot; OnClick=&quot;document.location='./reports.asp';return false;&quot; id=button1 name=button1>

Sub CreateDataDoc(oApp)
' Declare variables.
Dim sSQL, oDoc,oRS,sTemp,sHead,oRange,oField

' Create a new document.
Set oDoc = oApp.Documents.Add
' Create a new recordset.

Set conn = CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
conn.open &quot;schoolsasp&quot;,&quot;schoolsasp&quot;,&quot;schoolsasp&quot;

SQL = &quot;SELECT * FROM vSchoolDetails ORDER BY EstablishmentName&quot;

If cstr(Param) <> &quot;&quot; And cstr(Data) <> &quot;&quot; Then
sql = sql & &quot; And [&quot; & cstr(Param) & &quot;] = &quot; & cstr(Data)
End If
Set ors = CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
ors.Open sql, conn, 3, 3

' Convert the recordset to a string.
sTemp = oRS.GetString(2, -1, vbTab) ' 2 = adClipString

' Append the field names to the front of the string.
For Each oField In oRS.Fields
sHead = sHead & oField.Name & vbTab

' Strip off the last tab.
sTemp = Mid(sHead, 1, Len(sHead) - 1) & vbCrLf & sTemp

' Get a range object and insert the text into the document.
Set oRange = oDoc.Range
oRange.Text = sTemp

' Convert the text to a table.
oRange.ConvertToTable vbTab
' Save the document to a temp file.
oDoc.SaveAs &quot;C:\labeldata.doc&quot;
' Close the document (no save).
oDoc.Close FALSE

set oRS = Nothing
set Conn = Nothing

End Sub

Sub ButtonClick()
Dim oApp
Dim oDoc
Dim oMergedDoc

' Create an instance of Word.
Set oApp = CreateObject(&quot;Word.Application&quot;)

' Create our data file.
CreateDataDoc oApp

' Add a new document.
Set oDoc = oApp.Documents.Add
With oDoc.MailMerge
' Add our fields.
oApp.Selection.TypeText &quot;The Headteacher &quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;EstablishmentName&quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;Address1&quot;
oApp.Selection.TypeText &quot;, &quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;Address2&quot;
oApp.Selection.TypeText &quot;, &quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;County&quot;
.Fields.Add oApp.Selection.Range, &quot;PostCode&quot;

' Create an autotext entry.
Dim oAutoText
Set oAutoText = oApp.NormalTemplate.AutoTextEntries.Add _
(&quot;MyLabelLayout&quot;, oDoc.Content)
.MainDocumentType = 1 ' 1 = wdMailingLabels

' Open the saved data source.
.OpenDataSource &quot;C:\labeldata.doc&quot;

' Create a new document.
Dim label
'label = document.forms.form1.MyType.options[document.forms.form1.MyType.options.selectedIndex].value
label = document.form1.MyType.value
'oApp.MailingLabel.CreateNewDocument &quot;5160&quot;, &quot;&quot;, _
' &quot;MyLabelLayout&quot;, , 4 ' 4 = wdPrinterManualFeed
oApp.MailingLabel.CreateNewDocument label, &quot;&quot;, &quot;MyLabelLayout&quot;, , 4 ' 4 = wdPrinterManualFeed

.Destination = 0 ' 0 = wdSendToNewDocument
' Execute the mail merge.

End With

' Close the mail merge edit document.
oDoc.Close FALSE
' Get the current document.
Set oMergedDoc = oApp.ActiveDocument
' Show Word to the user.
oApp.Visible = True

' Uncomment these lines to save the merged document locally.
'oMergedDoc.SaveAs &quot;C:\test.doc&quot;
'oMergedDoc.Close False
'oApp.Quit False
End Sub


<FORM name=&quot;form1&quot;>
<td><p CLASS=&quot;norm&quot;>Please Select Label Type<BR></td>
<SELECT CLASS=&quot;inputbox&quot; name=&quot;MyType&quot; size=&quot;1&quot; style=&quot;WIDTH: 152px&quot;>

<OPTION value=&quot;5160&quot; SELECTED>5160 (7 x 3)</OPTION>
<OPTION value=&quot;5162&quot; >5162 (8 x 2)</OPTION>

<INPUT type=button value=&quot;Mail Merge&quot; onclick=&quot;VBScript:ButtonClick&quot; id=button1 name=button1>


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Part and Inventory Search

