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Client driving me NUTS!

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Technical User
Mar 27, 2002
Can anyone help me keep what little sanity I have left?

I have a client who tells me they want this website, but they don't provide me with the pertinent information that I need to place on the pages.

It should have been obvious to me when they took SEVEN weeks to pay me the downpayment required according to the signed agreement we have, even though I put up a "Coming soon" page for them with-in 1 day of the signing.

I know these people (friends?) so I agreed to build them a site for their Real Estate business. I'm starting to believe that this was a mistake on my part, because getting information for the site is like pulling teeth.

They don't seem to want to put the effort into doing the research. But they always ask when the site will be ready. They just want to blame the delay on me. But I've documented EVERYTHING since the signing of our agreement. I know its not MY fault we're not done.

I told them I had NO INTENTIONS of chacing them around for the info, and I'm NOT! I'm too busy with other clients who actually DO THE WORK on time!

Any suggestions?


Spend the downpayment and fall out with your friends, they will soon be knocking on your door for results. The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.
Groucho Marx (1895-1977)
Complitely agree with Cheech!

Saying NO will put them on the Earth and 90% they will come back to you with all necessary material! Good Luck! :)

I emphasize with your situation, because I going through the same issue with one of my clients. Typically, I request all the content upfront, design a rough site map based on that content, and get them to agree that if there are big changes in the coarse of building the site, it will only slow down and muddle the process.

With that said, I accepted a job where the client said "just get rolling and I will send you content as things evolve". What a fool I was, because at that point the job becomes a moving target. He wants the site completed, which it is to a degree, but I'm not a content writer, nor do I know his product like he does. So, currently he has a site, that looks normal, until you look at the content....it's all nonsensical greeking. And, I'm still waiting. Next time, I will stick with my original plan.

It's client's responsibility to get you the information they want on THEIR web site. Until they give it to you, you can only assume they are happy a "Coming Soon" page as their entire web site!

Hopefully you've set up your contract so that your downpayment is non-refundable. In that case kiss them goodbye and save your sanity - life's too short!

Good Luck Ladyborg
"Don't be afraid to try new things,
Remember: professionals built the Titanic, amateurs built the Ark"
Since you've already put in so much effort, you should post the site with jibberish text where the real information needs to go. Sounds like they can't envision what direction it's going in until they see it.
You really need to establish ONE contact with this company. This person would be responsible for supplying you with the information you need. You can't be expected to collate the thoughts of a group of people. Butter up one of these folks into thinking they can take the reigns and save the day.

Good Luck!
feck em........take the money an run.

unless they come back with full p[roject details.

This thread should be a lesson to us all.

I mainly work on a corporate Intranet but still have the issue of content. Our HR dept has beeen kicking their heels for 12 months over content for their site. They finally provided 95% about 3 weeks ago. They think I am working on their site now LOL and it will be live soon LOL but until 100% of the content is supplied I told my manager they can swivel [soapbox] enough said

Cheech The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.
Groucho Marx (1895-1977)
I had a similar problem, but what I did was put that project on the back-burner and sent an email to her (mt client) and told her that the site will be ONLY when she provides me with the content...
She responded right away, and I did my job...
Then she gave me a hard time to pay me, she kept putting it off another week, so I finaly got tired and sent an email (emails because they are documented in case if legal issues are persuded), and told her that I do not get my payment for my services then I will be forced to take actions...well, she responded really, really quick to that email and I got paid in less then 2 days...lol
Don't get intimidated cause they are your "friends", because if they can they will take advantage of you all the way... I have not failed; I merely found 100,000 different ways of not succeding...
Other lesson is dont do work for friends unless you have all content in advance.

"A simple I am very busy but will do this for you when I have a. b. c. " will normally do the trick, but stick to your guns and dont do any development until they supply the content. The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.
Groucho Marx (1895-1977)
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