MM 4.0 w/MSS with OTC. User can install and configure for Telephone Playback (with ext configured). When click on the message, the following error appears and phone doesn't ring. This is happening with multiple extensions, not just one. I'm not sure if anyone has been able to listen to a message via Client with Telephone Playback. This is E-1 integration. Ports configured incoming and outgoing for all channels.
Unable to Play - The call could not be completed. Check that the number is correct and the phone is on-hook.
I also see an error in the Event Viewer Applications: Line device call cc_MakeCall, failed on channel 29, Error
Error Reason - 258 Incompatible destination.
Any ideas ?
Unable to Play - The call could not be completed. Check that the number is correct and the phone is on-hook.
I also see an error in the Event Viewer Applications: Line device call cc_MakeCall, failed on channel 29, Error
Error Reason - 258 Incompatible destination.
Any ideas ?