Let's say I've a CICS (no voicemail) with 6 analog lines all with CLID. All sets appear and ring. Can all sets have caller ID appear on every line with using features.
You can probably do it on some other versions using huntgroups if I remember correctly. Its been a while since I have set up CLID on pre 6.1 CICS, but I seem to remember having to do something strange- or maybe I am confused with MICS, and it just worked on CICS.
What version are you asking about.
This assumes of course, that you have the service from the phone company.
Actually, the CICS caller ID has worked on all sets since day one. Rel. 1.0. It never had a problem. Only problem was with MICS, and it took them a very long time to fix it.
Let me repeat: CICS Caller ID has always worked without having to do anything fancy. Period. Any and all sets with lines ringing and appearing.
I'll say it one more time. CLID has always worked on CICS for all sets and all lines as long as they are ring and appear. If it didn't work, it wasn't programmed properly. MICS could not handle it until 6.0. You had to do the F811 as you stated.
Now that is a flashback. we used to add "for Gold & Silver" after Violet Gives Willingly.
Kind of like:
Why Run Backwards You Varmit
Big Old Girls Boobs Swell.
MarvO...my 'enhancer' had the same line for the first 5 colors but we used 'boys only give bad sex' for the other 5. I think I like yours better! I would have to wipe out 25 years of my brains 'ROM' memory to replace & insert yours though.
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