I've recently taken over managing our OpenView server. I was trying to load some new MIBs and started getting some errors during the load, stating a parent objuect was not defined. I did some research and started looking at the IMPORT section in the MIB's. I noticed I was missing some "parent" MIBs. So going back up the MIB chain, I started loading the parent MIBs whenever required. Unfortunately, I started getting errors loading those MIBs as well. i tried to unload all the mibs in OpenView and starting "fresh". After downloading all the new MIBs (i.e. SNMPv2.SMI,SNMPv2.TC, etc), I tried to install them. I keep getting errors. I assume when you load a MIB, it is input into some type of file/database.
Is there anyway to compleatly clear all MIBs from OpenView and starting a "fresh" MIB database?
Thank you for any responses.
Is there anyway to compleatly clear all MIBs from OpenView and starting a "fresh" MIB database?
Thank you for any responses.