Hello, i've encountered a problem with how to clear the entries in two edit boxes when a push button is clicked. I've tried the Clear() function but fails. Your feedback/help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Depending how you are using the edit controls e.g.
1. The controls are associated with tow CEdit objects:
CEdit m_edText2;
CEdit m_edText1;
then on your handler
void CMyView::OnButtonClear1()
Note that the DoDataExchage () should contains:
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_edText1);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT2, m_edText2);
2. The edit box controls are associated with tow CString variables:
CString m_sLastName;
CString m_sFirstName;
Then the handler of the button when you want to reset should be :
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