Crystal 8.5
In my Group Footer I am creating an array that I need to clear out for the next group.
Any suggestions would be welcomed:
This is how I created the array:
For some reason the last element in the Array is a duplication.
In my Group Footer I am creating an array that I need to clear out for the next group.
Any suggestions would be welcomed:
This is how I created the array:
Global StringVar Array arrFolderType;
NumberVar Counter;
// Count the number of subtypes for the current Applicant
(Counter := Counter + 1;
// Redim means the size of the array is incremented to Counter's new value
// Preserve means the elements that are in the array are not removed or changed
(Redim Preserve arrFolderType[Counter];
// the new value is added to the new space in the array
arrFolderType[Counter] := GroupName ({V_CRYSTAL_BRU_RECONCILIATION.FOLDERTYPE})));
JOIN(arrFolderType, ',');
For some reason the last element in the Array is a duplication.