There was a part "News" on the web pages formatted very standard way
After switching to CSS I wanted also to include HR to paragraph format definition, to simplify maintenance of pages
So I have a definition
It works, only doesn't prevent pictures from overflowing to the next para.
What am I doing wrong? Please help.
Thank you Tom
There was a part "News" on the web pages formatted very standard way
.. some text and possibly small pictures too
<br clear="both"> [i] to prevent overflowing of pictures[/i]
and further paragraphs separated with <HR>follow.
After switching to CSS I wanted also to include HR to paragraph format definition, to simplify maintenance of pages
So I have a definition
... ;
border-bottom-color : red;
border-bottom-style : solid;
border-bottom-width : 5Px;
CLEAR :both;
What am I doing wrong? Please help.
Thank you Tom