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Cleanup Network Shares - Find Shares - Security

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Jul 20, 2005
Dear All,

I have been tasked to clean up all of our network shares, and to make sure there is no illegal content on any of our workstations, all 200 of them. One by one this is obviously tedious. On the Network shares, I can do a search, but is there a way to search the individual workstations? Maybe some indexing software that kicks in on every reboot?

I am also looking for some tool to find shares on our LAN, in case some "smart" user puts up a collection of MP3's and shares it with his/her buddies.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I could do something through GPO, that would be even better.

Thanks a lot,

I'm using EZ Audit, gives details on shares, installed software etc.
Try google [vbscript find all shares], with any of the scripts you find that work for you, you could use it as a logon script and write the information to a logfile.
found 2 that may help
'		Script Witten by Larry Heintz       	    
'		March 2006 [URL unfurl="true"]www.windowsadminscripts.com[/URL]
' This script will reveal all user and hidden shares on a
' computer. It will show you the share name, share comment
' and share path. You will also have the option to run the 
' script against a AD Domain or Work Group name. The script
' also saves the shares information into a comma delimited
' file.
' Script Usages:
' List Shares on Single PC: cscript shares.vbs /computer:[computername]
' List Shares on AD Domain/Work Group: cscript shares.vbs /adwg:[ad domain or workgroup name]
Dim objStdOut,args
Dim computername,adwg
Set args = Wscript.Arguments.Named
computername = args.Item("computer")
adwg = args.Item("adwg")
logpath = getLogPath()

if wscript.arguments.count = 0 then
	wscript.echo "Script Usages:"
	wscript.echo "List Shares on Single PC: cscript shares.vbs /computer:[computername]"
	wscript.echo "List Shares on AD Domain/Work Group: cscript shares.vbs /adwg:[ad domain or workgroup name]"
elseif args.exists("computer") then
	Call listShares(computername)
elseif args.exists("adwg") then
	Call listSharesADWG(adwg)
end if

Function listShares(computername)
On Error Resume Next
Dim objshares,share
set objshares = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\" & computername & "\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Share")
wscript.echo "Shares for " & ucase(computername) & vbcrlf
wscript.echo "Name" & space(11) & "Comment" & space(13) & "Path"
wscript.echo "=====" & space(10) & "========" & space(12) & "====="
for each share in objshares
	Call writeLog(computername,share.name,share.caption,share.path)
	wscript.echo share.name & space(15-(len(share.name))) & share.caption & space(20-len(share.caption)) & share.path
set objshares = nothing
wscript.echo ""
End Function

Function listSharesADWG(adwg)
set container = getobject("WinNT://" & adwg)
container.filter = array("computer")
for each computer in container
set container = nothing
End Function

Function getLogPath()
Dim temp,temp2
temp = split(wscript.scriptfullname,"\")
for i = 0 to ubound(temp) - 1
	temp2 = temp2 & temp(i) & "\"
getLogPath = temp2
End Function

Function writeLog(computername,sharename,sharecomment,sharepath)
Dim FSO,objFSOwriteline
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFSOwriteline = FSO.OpenTextFile(getLogPath() & "\shares.log", 8,True)
	objFSOwriteline.WriteLine(computername & "," & sharename & "," & sharecomment & "," & sharepath)
Set objFSOwriteline = nothing
Set FSO = nothing
End Function

' --------------------------------------------------------
'           ScriptingAnswers.com ScriptVault
' --------------------------------------------------------
' Entry title: ListShares
'      Author: Don Jones
'      E-mail: don@scriptinganswers.com
' Brief desscription:
' Lists the shares (and physical paths of the shares)
' on a computer. Reads in computers names from a file.
' --------------------------------------------------------
' Version history:
' 1.0   02/17/2006  Initial release
' --------------------------------------------------------
' The user of this script accepts all responsibility For
' reviewing, testing, and using it, and specifically 
' holds harmless ScriptingAnswers.com, SAPIEN Technologies,
' and the script's original author from any damages which
' result from the use of this script, including any
' direct, consequential, or indirect damages which may
' result.
' --------------------------------------------------------

' --------------------------------------------------------
' Things this script relies on or assumes are already
' in place, apart from things which are built into 
' WinXP or later:
' --------------------------------------------------------

Option Explicit
Dim strFile, objFSO, objTS, strComputer
Dim objWMI, colResults, objResult, strWMIQuery
Dim strOutput, colResults2, objResult2, strWMIQuery2

strFile = "C:\wslist.txt"

On error resume next
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strFile) Then
	Set objTS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile)
	Do Until objTS.AtEndOfStream
		strComputer = objTS.ReadLine
		Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
		strWMIQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Share"
		Set colResults = objWMI.ExecQuery(strWMIQuery)
		For Each objResult In colResults
			strOutput = strComputer & " - " & objResult.Name & " = " & objResult.Path
			strWMIQuery2 = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Directory WHERE Name = '" & _
			 Replace(objResult.Path,"\","\\") & "'"
			Set colResults2 = objWMI.ExecQuery(strWMIQuery2)
			For Each objResult2 In colResults2
				strOutput = strOutput & " (" & objResult2.FSName & ")"
			WScript.Echo strOutput
End If
WScript.Echo "Complete"

Thanks guys, I am using the first script from the two.

I basially need to check the shares on specific PCs, so I cannot use the Domain option, but I need to do it on quite a few, so some batch would be nice.

This command to execute it would look like this:

cscript CheckShare-Local.vbs /computer:%pcname%

and I would like to read the %pcname% from a text file. How would this be possible?

Thanks for any help,

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