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In a recent post a question was asked by Victor39 "Just how do you guys learn this stuff?!"
2ffat made a sound suggestion, start a new thread on this information. Now, there are people who walk and take different pathways in the learning experience. So I believe everyone has a different perspective to add to this.
My first suggestion is to find reliable and sound places of information. Where people who are skilled in spyware removal do it daily (not to take away from anyone here...but compared to some of these people we've all got a lot of learning to do.)
Some forums
forum.malwareremoval.com (take some time here, actually, enroll if you're serious and want some incredible tools/help).
There are several other sites dedicated to malware removal and I'm hoping others will chime in with them.
What else can you do? Read, read, and read. Visit the above forums and look at the logs that people provide. Ask questions, personally (even when dealing with a "pro"), I don't remove anything that I don't understand why it's coming off.
So what do I do? Ask, why does this need to come off. Take the name of unknown files and registry keys to Google. Most likely you are NOT the first to encounter an infection.
In reference to the above paragraph that is something else to do. Develop and learn good "research" skills. Learn how to phrase words and items for Google searches. This page has some tips on "Better Googling"
HiJackThis! to intimidating? This page
Breaks HJT logs out to be a little less intimidating. But don't take this sites word for what needs to be removed, do the research yourself.
Last, but not least, reading a HJT file. What are all the R0's, F12's, etc... and what do they mean?
The above page breaks apart HJT to give a GREAT explination of what the different headings mean.
This is just a start, perhaps if enough people chime in we can create an FAQ here to help get people more confident in this war for the desktop.
2ffat made a sound suggestion, start a new thread on this information. Now, there are people who walk and take different pathways in the learning experience. So I believe everyone has a different perspective to add to this.
My first suggestion is to find reliable and sound places of information. Where people who are skilled in spyware removal do it daily (not to take away from anyone here...but compared to some of these people we've all got a lot of learning to do.)
Some forums
forum.malwareremoval.com (take some time here, actually, enroll if you're serious and want some incredible tools/help).
There are several other sites dedicated to malware removal and I'm hoping others will chime in with them.
What else can you do? Read, read, and read. Visit the above forums and look at the logs that people provide. Ask questions, personally (even when dealing with a "pro"), I don't remove anything that I don't understand why it's coming off.
So what do I do? Ask, why does this need to come off. Take the name of unknown files and registry keys to Google. Most likely you are NOT the first to encounter an infection.
In reference to the above paragraph that is something else to do. Develop and learn good "research" skills. Learn how to phrase words and items for Google searches. This page has some tips on "Better Googling"
HiJackThis! to intimidating? This page
Breaks HJT logs out to be a little less intimidating. But don't take this sites word for what needs to be removed, do the research yourself.
Last, but not least, reading a HJT file. What are all the R0's, F12's, etc... and what do they mean?
The above page breaks apart HJT to give a GREAT explination of what the different headings mean.
This is just a start, perhaps if enough people chime in we can create an FAQ here to help get people more confident in this war for the desktop.