The following code works fine...
Text1.LinkMode = 0
Text1.LinkTopic = "EXCEL|Sheet1"
For d = 0 To 8
Text1.LinkItem = "R1C" & d
Text1.LinkMode = 2
Requested(d) = Text1.Text
Text1.LinkMode = 0
Next d
...But this one, each time the Tex1.LinkRequest is being executed the memory increses, and I can't clean the memory...
Text1.LinkMode = 0
Text1.LinkTopic = "REUTER|IDN"
For d = 0 To 8
Text1.LinkItem = "PTCO.IN, " & d
Text1.LinkMode = 2
Requested(d) = Text1.Text
Text1.LinkMode = 0
Next d
This code runs every 15 minutes and after a few cicles my memory is completly full! Does anyone can help me on this one?
thank you
Text1.LinkMode = 0
Text1.LinkTopic = "EXCEL|Sheet1"
For d = 0 To 8
Text1.LinkItem = "R1C" & d
Text1.LinkMode = 2
Requested(d) = Text1.Text
Text1.LinkMode = 0
Next d
...But this one, each time the Tex1.LinkRequest is being executed the memory increses, and I can't clean the memory...
Text1.LinkMode = 0
Text1.LinkTopic = "REUTER|IDN"
For d = 0 To 8
Text1.LinkItem = "PTCO.IN, " & d
Text1.LinkMode = 2
Requested(d) = Text1.Text
Text1.LinkMode = 0
Next d
This code runs every 15 minutes and after a few cicles my memory is completly full! Does anyone can help me on this one?
thank you