Hi all.
Sometimes you spend a lot of time doing OO design, declaring interfaces, inventing new patterns, optimizing to the death and so on, and when everything is finished and tested, you find a stupid error that stops everything.
Well, that's what's happening to me, let's see if something here can help me.
I've developed some software that uses an external product in a form of a jar file. When I try to execute it, I get the second worse exception I think I can have: NoClassDefFoundError: product/classs.
At first I thought it was a classpath issue but the classpath is OK. In fact, other software using the same classpath is running.
Then I thought about an exportation problem so I imported the jar product into my IDE and re-exported. Same result. I've even tried to execute it inside the IDE. Same result.
What I don't understand is that the definition of a class can change and the compilation can still be ok. My next step will be re-import the jar, recompile and reexport, but if anyone has any hint, would be great.
Sometimes you spend a lot of time doing OO design, declaring interfaces, inventing new patterns, optimizing to the death and so on, and when everything is finished and tested, you find a stupid error that stops everything.
Well, that's what's happening to me, let's see if something here can help me.
I've developed some software that uses an external product in a form of a jar file. When I try to execute it, I get the second worse exception I think I can have: NoClassDefFoundError: product/classs.
At first I thought it was a classpath issue but the classpath is OK. In fact, other software using the same classpath is running.
Then I thought about an exportation problem so I imported the jar product into my IDE and re-exported. Same result. I've even tried to execute it inside the IDE. Same result.
What I don't understand is that the definition of a class can change and the compilation can still be ok. My next step will be re-import the jar, recompile and reexport, but if anyone has any hint, would be great.