I've been trying to get the classic client for 5.0 to work with XP SP2 when the firewall is enabled. I know that according to bulletin P-2004-0395-Global-Rev1 you're supposed to add all of the Symposium excutables to the firewall's unblock list. Yes, all 40 of them! Our network admins have indicated that that's an unnacceptable solution for them. (They're response when reading the bulletin was "Did a child write Symposium??") I tried to get around it by just adding the Real-Time Display exectutables (nicrtmgr.exe and nicrtdsp.exe) to the list, but that didn't work. I also tried installing PEP G018C (which is supposed to add the executables to the expection list automatically), but that didn't work either.
Has anyone messed with this, and found out if the RTD's can get working without adding all the executables to the list?
Has anyone messed with this, and found out if the RTD's can get working without adding all the executables to the list?