I just installed Delphi 5 on a new Win 7 O/S.
Then openned up a Project with a single form. when I
open the form "npl2", I get the following message:
Class TDBNavigator not found.
Here is my uses block:
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
StdCtrls, Forms, DBCtrls, DB, DBGrids, DBTables, Grids, ExtCtrls,
Dialogs, Mask, FileCtrl, mlb2, mlbc ;
Another odd thing I noticed...on the ide component toolbar it only shows a standard component (with only one object) and the MLB component...that's it!
Any ideas?
thanks in advance, Greg
I just installed Delphi 5 on a new Win 7 O/S.
Then openned up a Project with a single form. when I
open the form "npl2", I get the following message:
Class TDBNavigator not found.
Here is my uses block:
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
StdCtrls, Forms, DBCtrls, DB, DBGrids, DBTables, Grids, ExtCtrls,
Dialogs, Mask, FileCtrl, mlb2, mlbc ;
Another odd thing I noticed...on the ide component toolbar it only shows a standard component (with only one object) and the MLB component...that's it!
Any ideas?
thanks in advance, Greg