I get the following error when using the class statement within my ASP Code:
Kompilierungsfehler in Microsoft VBScript- Fehler '800a03ea'
/community/forum/ofdb.asp, line 9
Class f_DBClass
It's german but all it says is that there is a syntaxerror when compiling in line "Class f_DBClass"!?
The Code looks as the following:
Class f_DBClass
public sub Class_Initialize()
call OpenForumConn
end sub
public sub Class_Terminate()
call CloseForumConn
end sub
public function f_GetRS(f_sSQL)
dim f_rsOfTemp
set f_rsOfTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
set f_rsOfTemp.ActiveConnection = f_Conn
f_rsOfTemp.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
f_rsOfTemp.CursorType = 3 'adOpenStatic
f_rsOfTemp.Open f_sSQL,,, 2 'adCmdTable
set f_GetRS = f_rsOfTemp
set f_rsOfTemp = nothing
end function
End Class
Can anyone help?
Kompilierungsfehler in Microsoft VBScript- Fehler '800a03ea'
/community/forum/ofdb.asp, line 9
Class f_DBClass
It's german but all it says is that there is a syntaxerror when compiling in line "Class f_DBClass"!?
The Code looks as the following:
Class f_DBClass
public sub Class_Initialize()
call OpenForumConn
end sub
public sub Class_Terminate()
call CloseForumConn
end sub
public function f_GetRS(f_sSQL)
dim f_rsOfTemp
set f_rsOfTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
set f_rsOfTemp.ActiveConnection = f_Conn
f_rsOfTemp.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
f_rsOfTemp.CursorType = 3 'adOpenStatic
f_rsOfTemp.Open f_sSQL,,, 2 'adCmdTable
set f_GetRS = f_rsOfTemp
set f_rsOfTemp = nothing
end function
End Class
Can anyone help?