I am trying to create a class module to handle thermodynamic table data and calculations for user selected chemicals. The class properties and procedures that I have already created worked fine, until I added the property that allows to user to select which chemical to use. I am recieving the following error:
[red]Complie Error:
Definitions of property procedures for the same property are inconsistent or contain optional parameters or a ParamArray [/red]
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, or even what this error means, and I did not understand what the Microsft Visual Basic Help was telling me either. Can someone explain this?
Another Day, Another Disaster
[red]Complie Error:
Definitions of property procedures for the same property are inconsistent or contain optional parameters or a ParamArray [/red]
[navy]Private[/navy] pCompound [navy]as String[/navy] [i](Previously defined)[/i]
[navy]Public Property Get[/navy] Compound() [navy]As String[/navy]
Compound = pCompound
[navy]End Property[/navy]
[highlight][navy]Public Property Set[/navy] Compound(Value [navy]As String[/navy])[/highlight]
[navy]Dim[/navy] blnAcceptableCompound [navy]As Boolean[/navy]
Trim (LCase(Value))
blnAcceptableCompound = [navy]False[/navy]
[navy]Do Until[/navy] blnAcceptableCompound = [navy]True[/navy]
[navy]If Not[/navy] Value = "" [navy]And Not[/navy] Value = "ethylene" [navy]And Not[/navy] Value = "water" [navy]And Not[/navy] Value = "propylene" [navy]Then[/navy]
Value = InputBox(Value & " was not recognized. Only Water, Ethylene or Propylene have available " & _
"thermodynamic table data. Which compound would you like to specify?")
[navy]Else[/navy]: blnAcceptableCompound = [navy]True
End If
Call[/navy] PopulateThermoTable(Value)
pCompound = StrConv(Value, vbProperCase)
[navy]End Property[/navy]
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, or even what this error means, and I did not understand what the Microsft Visual Basic Help was telling me either. Can someone explain this?
Another Day, Another Disaster