OK, I inserted a new class module into my visio project, and called it objClass
In the file I have
1) Why does the class_initialize appear (from the drop down menus at the top of the editing window) as a class function, but the SetData one doesn't ?
2) Despite 1, if I use the code below, the SetData function appears in teh quick select list, but I get a runtime error 424, what am I doing wrong ?
I am going mad here, so anyone with any hints I'd appreciate it !
In the file I have
option explicit
private name as string
private sub class_initialize()
End sub
public sub SetData(T as shape)
name = T.name
end sub
1) Why does the class_initialize appear (from the drop down menus at the top of the editing window) as a class function, but the SetData one doesn't ?
2) Despite 1, if I use the code below, the SetData function appears in teh quick select list, but I get a runtime error 424, what am I doing wrong ?
Dim test as objClass
Dim mShape as Shape
Set mShape = myPage.Shapes(5) 'Via Debug this line works
Test.SetData(mShape) 'This line causes runtime error
I am going mad here, so anyone with any hints I'd appreciate it !