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Jul 30, 2001
Have you seen this one before?

Status: winNT4.0, Citrix1.8 sp2 w/office2000

When one of the new user log onto citrix. The apps he ran were ok. Then when he tried to read email attachment he gets the error: Cannot create file: fimename.doc, check the file folder permission..etc. Everyone doesn't seem to have this problem.

what i've tried:
1. Microsoft article q268744; XCLN: problems with attactments on a terminal server computer when you apply outlook 2000 SR1.

2. Create new profile for the user

3. delete the default user profile and recreate new one

4. check permission, cleared temp and cache files.

5. reapplied nt sp6.

Let me know if I missed anything. Thanks in advance.

Much as I'm flattered by being addressed directly, I would prefer it if questions were listed to the whole group - there's a lot of expertise on this forum; I'm not always right :)

I have seen similar issues, but I'm curious as to the steps you took - you deleted the default user profile?

The steps MS outline are simply to modify the path that Outlook uses for temp files - and this is what normally causes this type of problem.

I would

1) Run Filemon and logged on as the user
2) Run Outlook until the error occurred
3) Check Filemon's log for access issues
4) Amend the user's settings accordingly
5) Check the Default User for similar ambiguous settings

In this case, I would also have pointed the temp environment in the Default User to \\UserHomeDirServer\HomeShare\%username%\temp.

Maybe someone else has a more elegant way of doing this :)

I hope this helps

Thanks for the quick response. Yeah, I'll address the issue to everyone next time even though I think you'll end up with the correct solution more the not. Anyway I think the problem raise from deleting the default profile.

System32 folder was poping up at log in. So I found a fix on thethin.net. It asked that I delete the default user profile and create a new one by copying one from another user. I think that's what is conflicting with permission now. Am I making sense? I think if I could bring back the default user profile it might work..

If you need to create a new default user profile, you can expand the ntuser.da_ that gets installed into \wtsrv\repair on NT4 TSE machines.

Copy the expanded file to the Default User folder and you should be set - although you may wish to log on as a test user to configure the Default User's profile the way you want it.

Delete the problem user's ntuser.dat (and locally cached profiles) and it should be a 5 minute job to sort out Outlook profiles and other personal settings.

I hope this helps
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