Ok, Here's the situation....
We have about 100 servers in our primary farm. Of these servers we have subsets of servers of course that host particular "Bundles" as we call them of software.
In our Development farm we like to replicate the bundles to specific development servers for integration testing, upgrades, etc.
The process we have been using to do this is to create a Ghost image of one of the servers hosting the "bundle" of software. We restore the ghost image to a server in our development farm, then go through a series of details to clean the old name of the server, disable IMA, change all registry entries referring to the production name, etc. then plug in the development server's IP address etc.
This can be a very time consuming process obviously.
I would be interested in what solutions or products you all use for this if you do such a thing
Any feedback wouold be greatly appreciated!
No rest for the Wicked.