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Citrix implementation - What to use?

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Technical User
Sep 15, 2005
Hi all,

I've been asked to submit a plan for implementing Citrix in our organisation. However, I'm having some trouble determining what I'll need for this. The Citrix website is a great commercial add for their products, but not exactly helpful in telling me what I need and why I need it.

Approximately forty employees will be using Citrix. Mostly they will access it through a secure VPN connection but it should also be possible to access it via the web.

So far I've looked at the following options:
1) 1 Server running Citrix Access Essentials
2) 2 Servers running Citrix Presentation server for load balancing and redundancy purposes.

Our network has a DMZ for incoming internet traffic and obviously I can't just put the Citrix server(s) in it to allow web access to the server(s). Can anyone tell me what I will need to make the server(s) accessible from the internet?

Someone told me I should set up a webserver in the DMZ running NFuse. But I can't find anything on NFuse on the Citrix website. Is this a separate application or is it included with Presentation Server? Is it also suitable for use with Access Essentials?

nfuse is the old name - was a bolt on

with presentation server it's just called web console and it's build in
you will need to install a ssl secure gateway - this is build in a well - using a ticket server as well - this is built in as well - there are docs and wee diagrams on this

when you install the web console you get a diagram showing what you should have - maybe worth getting a trial version and have a look
I am also in a similar position as giodovk. I have also looked around the citrix site and been reading articles all over the web. However I am still not clear how it all fits togather. The clearest info I have got was Giodovk's query above !! Can someone please say how all these pieces fit togather? Or point me to some article on the web that does it.

Thanks muchly
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