We have Citrix Metaframe XP FR2 running on windows 2000 server. I have one user in our office who is trying to connect from home on a windows 98 computer using nfuse 1.7, with netscape as his browser.
I am not sure which version of Netscape he uses but it appears to be navigator. He logs in ok, but as soon as he clicks on the icon for an application he gets a message: "Unknown file type: You have started to download a file of type application - xica. Click More Info to expand Navigator's capability." He has at least two button choices, More info and Cancel. When he clicks more info he gets a message: "Plug in: Citrix winfram client available for windows 3x, 95, 98, NT". When he clicks ok he gets taken to the citrix website but it appears he is taken to a non-existant page. He told me the page displayed an "error - page not found message". I am wondering if there is a plugin for netscape browsers, especially if he using an older browser.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am not sure which version of Netscape he uses but it appears to be navigator. He logs in ok, but as soon as he clicks on the icon for an application he gets a message: "Unknown file type: You have started to download a file of type application - xica. Click More Info to expand Navigator's capability." He has at least two button choices, More info and Cancel. When he clicks more info he gets a message: "Plug in: Citrix winfram client available for windows 3x, 95, 98, NT". When he clicks ok he gets taken to the citrix website but it appears he is taken to a non-existant page. He told me the page displayed an "error - page not found message". I am wondering if there is a plugin for netscape browsers, especially if he using an older browser.
Any help would be appreciated.