I stumbled across this and had to share.
“Come Back” Promotion
Here’s how to redeem your Cisco “Come Back” Exam:
Register for a full-price exam, using the “Schedule a Test” button at right. If you fail the exam, schedule a retake of the same exam by calling Pearson VUE’s phone registration and giving the customer service representative your Come Back promotion code: COMEBACK. This will entitle you to a free retake of the same exam. Free exams may only be scheduled through phone registration.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Both the full-price exam and free Come Back retake must be scheduled and taken between April 15, 2008 and October 15, 2008, to qualify for this special promotion.
“Come Back” Promotion
Here’s how to redeem your Cisco “Come Back” Exam:
Register for a full-price exam, using the “Schedule a Test” button at right. If you fail the exam, schedule a retake of the same exam by calling Pearson VUE’s phone registration and giving the customer service representative your Come Back promotion code: COMEBACK. This will entitle you to a free retake of the same exam. Free exams may only be scheduled through phone registration.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Both the full-price exam and free Come Back retake must be scheduled and taken between April 15, 2008 and October 15, 2008, to qualify for this special promotion.