I was told the same thing, but i am using netgear switches at one of my locations, works great. Qos and POE are the only things I have had to watch out for with my ip phones.
The newer phones, 79X1 phones (7941-7961,etc) will work because they use the standard power configurations but the older 79X0 (7940-7960)phones will not. Cisco put them out BEFORE the power configuration was standardized. Cisco switches were done the same and the way to tell if they are Cisco power or Standards based power is to see if they say Inline Power (Cisco) or PoE (Standard). For example a 3524XL is Inline power and a 3560 is PoE. Cisco built it's PoE switches to detect if the phone is older or newer and will auto apply power appropriately.
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