I am new to cisco, but am a quick learner. I have a customer with 2 remote locations that have point to point t1,s connecting them. currently i have the t1's going right into the csu on the phone system at each location. Can i de-channelize the t1 using a cisco 2600/or 3600 with (4)csu/dsu's at the main location and 2 at each of the others? My vision is that i could assign 10 channels to the first csu/dsu at each remote location for data and 13 channels to the second csu/dsu for the voice. then at the main location i would have 2 csu/dsu's assigned 10 data channels and 13 data channels for the 2 voice csu/dsu's. is this an option using csu/dsu's or does cisco use a different wic for this application? some basic config items to remember would be appricated. I have configured a cisco router to 2 locations before for data traffic only, so i do know some of those basics, but dont know how to split channels. thank you all much in advance.