I'm trying to connect from my home computer to my office network using a cisco client
I succeeded to connect once
I was disconnected abruptly (w/o a proper disconnection)
Since then, when I try to connect, I'm connected for 3-5 seconds and then Cisco VPN Client displays the message
"Reason 422: Lost contact with the security gateway.
Check your network connection"
I desinstalled the client, cleaned the registry, re-installed but I still have the same issue
What's wrong ?
I succeeded to connect once
I was disconnected abruptly (w/o a proper disconnection)
Since then, when I try to connect, I'm connected for 3-5 seconds and then Cisco VPN Client displays the message
"Reason 422: Lost contact with the security gateway.
Check your network connection"
I desinstalled the client, cleaned the registry, re-installed but I still have the same issue
What's wrong ?