Hi guys I hope you can help me.
I have 3 Cisco Routers (2-2801 & 1-1841) working, and 3 Multitech VoIP equipments (2-MVP2410 & 1-MVP810).
The Mutitech's are working on my old network and I need to connect them to CISCO network.
What I need to configure on CISCO routers?
I contacted to Multitech's Tech Support and didn't give me any information but I found this information on internet:
Is the only that I nned to ocnfigure on CISCOs?
You may use DIFFSERV if your router supports it.
Configuring the CISCO routers to support DIFFSERV:
Router # configure terminal
Router (config) # int S0/0 (This will allow you to access the serial interface of the
Cisco or the Wan port).
Router (config--if) # fair-queue( The default value is O.K. Congestive discard
threshold = 64 messages, Dynamic Queue = 256, and Reservable Queue = 0).
Router (config-if) # exit
Router (config) # exit
Router # show run (This command will allow you to view and confirm the settings.
Confirm that fair queue is enabled on the WAN port).
MultiVOIP set up:
Enable DIFFSERV in the IP settings.
Enabling DIFFSERV causes all voice packets sent out by the MultiVOIP to have the
TOS byte set to 0x40.
The binary and hex numbers are 0100 0000 and 0x40 respectively.
I have 3 Cisco Routers (2-2801 & 1-1841) working, and 3 Multitech VoIP equipments (2-MVP2410 & 1-MVP810).
The Mutitech's are working on my old network and I need to connect them to CISCO network.
What I need to configure on CISCO routers?
I contacted to Multitech's Tech Support and didn't give me any information but I found this information on internet:
Is the only that I nned to ocnfigure on CISCOs?
You may use DIFFSERV if your router supports it.
Configuring the CISCO routers to support DIFFSERV:
Router # configure terminal
Router (config) # int S0/0 (This will allow you to access the serial interface of the
Cisco or the Wan port).
Router (config--if) # fair-queue( The default value is O.K. Congestive discard
threshold = 64 messages, Dynamic Queue = 256, and Reservable Queue = 0).
Router (config-if) # exit
Router (config) # exit
Router # show run (This command will allow you to view and confirm the settings.
Confirm that fair queue is enabled on the WAN port).
MultiVOIP set up:
Enable DIFFSERV in the IP settings.
Enabling DIFFSERV causes all voice packets sent out by the MultiVOIP to have the
TOS byte set to 0x40.
The binary and hex numbers are 0100 0000 and 0x40 respectively.