Has anyone had any expierence with integrating T-Server to CM using JTAPI. We have created an application user and end user and can log int CM JTAPI Test phone with both accounts. Genesys T-Server unable to log inot CM using either account. Genesys T-Server error
ERROR - Can?t connect to Cisco CTIManager. Likely causes:
1. Can?t connect to CTIManager host ?xx.xx.xx.xx?.
2. Invalid T-Server configuration options (ccm-host, user-login, password).
3. CallManager software version incompatible with T-Server - change option ?jtapi-update-mode? or manually copy jtapi.jar from CTIManager host to T-Server directory.
(Reported error = com.cisco.jtapi.PlatformExceptionImpl: Unable to create provider -- bad login or password.)
ERROR - Can?t connect to Cisco CTIManager. Likely causes:
1. Can?t connect to CTIManager host ?xx.xx.xx.xx?.
2. Invalid T-Server configuration options (ccm-host, user-login, password).
3. CallManager software version incompatible with T-Server - change option ?jtapi-update-mode? or manually copy jtapi.jar from CTIManager host to T-Server directory.
(Reported error = com.cisco.jtapi.PlatformExceptionImpl: Unable to create provider -- bad login or password.)