I have been tring to deal with some issues with my vpn going down, and I believe it has to do with it getting fragmented. So I lowered my mtu size on the remote asa to 1400, which seemed to be an acceptable value from testing. I was wondering should I set the mtu to 1400 as well on my local ASA?
Remote ASA 5505
IOS 8.4(2)8
Local ASA 5520
IOS 8.4(1)
Windows Haiku:
Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.
Remote ASA 5505
IOS 8.4(2)8
Local ASA 5520
IOS 8.4(1)
Windows Haiku:
Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.