You might also want to check your speed and duplex settings, sometimes if the port is left on auto, it wont negotiate correctly, forcingf the port to the correct speed/duplex will stop it from flapping.
To add to Colin's remark about speed/duplex mis-matches. If you force one end of an Ethernet links speed/duplex you MUST force the other ends as well. i.e if you have a PC connected to port 1 on a 2950 and you configure on the switch:
interface FastEthernet0/1
speed 100
duplex full
Then you MUST change the adapter settings on the PC to be 100Mb & Full-Duplex, otherwise you WILL get a mis-match and the switch will not detect any collisions.
Most modern NIC's work best left at Auto, it is generally a best practise to force fixed connections though such as switch-to-switch or switch-to-router links.
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