Dec 4, 2008 #1 silvercas IS-IT--Management Mar 31, 2004 83 US Is the decision between these two is how many add on cards Im going to need and how flexible I want to be for future growth?
Is the decision between these two is how many add on cards Im going to need and how flexible I want to be for future growth?
Dec 8, 2008 #2 jeter Technical User Apr 6, 2000 1,841 US Are you using the router to route or for Voice (SRST)??? SPC NVARNG Tek-TIP Member 19,650 Upvote 0 Downvote
Dec 8, 2008 Thread starter #3 silvercas IS-IT--Management Mar 31, 2004 83 US just for routing Upvote 0 Downvote