thread799-1675965. I am feeling the pain this week from the previous thread. We have 2 systems we bought back used and re used on 2 sites last week next day the doctors office complains of echo,actually side tone. That night we put in the second system and we get side tone also. So I think the only thing is both systems I bought back were bad but they came from working offices,the only difference is I added new sets not using the used sets. I automaticly swapped the card on the night job and that fixed the issue. The next day I sent my tech to the doctors office to swap that card but he tried 2 cards did not we still have an issue there. We tested cards in our lab and find the issue follows the cards,even messes up the ksu until you reset programming.the sets seem to work fine on Bcm. We now have 4 cards with this side tone issue all version AAag. AAae and AAA. So we are shocked and confused but its not the sets unless we got lucky using an older caller I'd card.any help to repair cards would be appreciated[COLOR=][/color]