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Christmas greetings

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Oct 5, 2006
I wish everybody on this forum a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Fortran-filled New Year 2010.

Below is a short F77 program that makes a nice Julia-Fractal picture, that Fortran beginners can play with during Christmas (change magnify=10 for instance). Compile and link the program, run it and open the resulting PPM picture ...

	program julia

	implicit none

	integer itermax,magnify,hxres,hyres
	real*8 breakout,cr,ci,x0,y0,x,xx,y,xl,yl,zsq,zm,rb
	integer iter,hx,hy,red,green,blue
	character*256 str

	hxres = 500			! horizontal resolution
	hyres = 500			! vertical resolution

	itermax = 100			! maximum iters to do

	breakout = 64.			! |z|^2 greater than this is a breakout
	magnify = 10			! 10 is standard magnification

	cr = -.7492			! real part of c in z^2=z^2+c
	ci =  .1000			! imaginary part of c in z^2=z^2+c

	x0 = 0.09950			! center of picture
	y0 = -.00062			! center of picture


	write(20) 'P6',char(10)

	write(str,'(a)')    '# Created by Julia.for by gullipe'
	write(20) str(1:32),char(10)
	write(str,'(2(a,i6))') '# Magnify=',magnify,'  Itermax=',itermax
	write(20) str(1:32),char(10)

	write(str,'(i3,1x,i3,a)') hyres,hxres,char(10)
	write(20) str(1:8)
	write(20) '255',char(10)

	rb = sqrt(breakout)

	do hy=1,hyres
	   do hx=1,hxres
	   y = 4*((hyres+1-hy-.5)/hyres-0.5)/magnify+y0
	   x = 4*((hx-.5)/hxres-0.5)/magnify+x0
	   zm = 0
	   do iter=1,itermax-1
	      xl = x
	      yl = y
	      xx = x*x-y*y+cr
	      y = 2.0*x*y+ci
	      x = xx
	      zsq = x*x+y*y
	      if (zsq.gt.zm) zm=zsq
	      if (zsq.gt.breakout) exit
	   if (iter.ge.itermax) then
	      red = 0
	      green = 255.*zm/breakout
	      blue = 255.*zm/breakout
	      red = 255*(rb+xl)/(2*rb)
	      green = 0
	      blue = .5*255*(rb+yl)/(2*rb)
	   write(20) char(red),char(green),char(blue)


And a Happy New Year too.

Always wondered about Julia - looked it up. It is someone's surname. Jane's books also caught me out in the same way.
Happy New Year Gullipe,

And thanks for the ppm format, I didn't know it.

(I did a Julia fractal in fortran in the far past and wrote bitmaps. I lost more time with the bitmap format than with the whole fractal thing. You can also make fractal films, changing the variables and merging the pictures to a film. I used that to find the right parameters for nice pictures)

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